Real estate VAT advice
What is real estate VAT consulting?
What is the role of a real estate VAT advisor?
Specialized Lawyers in Real Estate VAT
What does real estate VAT advice consist of?
Real estate VAT consulting involves guiding, optimizing, and securing taxpayers’ situations in their real estate transactions so that they make the right tax choices regarding VAT. Real estate VAT consulting applies to both businesses (real estate developers, property dealers, commercial real estate) and individuals (real estate investment, SCI, LMNP…).
Guidance on real estate VAT. The primary objective of real estate VAT consulting is to guide the taxpayer on the various tax choices and options available regarding VAT. Indeed, the complexity of real estate VAT regimes and the variety of tax schemes can significantly impact taxation based on the choices made.
Optimizing real estate VAT. By guiding the taxpayer on the best choices in real estate VAT, the tax advisor aims to limit the taxpayer’s taxation by determining the most suitable tax strategies. In this context, tax optimization is an essential element of real estate VAT consulting.
Securing real estate VAT. Optimizing real estate VAT should not be an end in itself. Successful tax advice is not only about optimizing a situation regarding VAT but also about optimizing a situation within the legal framework, limiting the risk of VAT tax audits. For this reason, real estate VAT consulting is a highly complex activity that requires great technical expertise.
What is the role of the real estate VAT advisor?
The role of the real estate VAT advisor is to assist businesses and individuals in determining a personalized tax strategy tailored to their situation. The tax advisor plays a crucial role in all decisions regarding real estate transactions.
Lawyers specializing in real estate VAT
The tax lawyers at EDOUARD PRUVOST provide assistance to businesses and individuals in all aspects of real estate VAT.
We advise you on the best strategies in real estate VAT to optimize the taxation of your transactions.
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Real estate VAT
Real Estate VAT Recognized Expertise in Real Estate VAT Specialized in real estate taxation, our law firm has developed sharp expertise in real estate VAT over the years. We advise real estate developers, property dealers, and real estate investors in their real...