Corporate lawyer

Corporate lawyer

What is corporate law?

Company law encompasses all the rules that govern the life of companies:

Company Formation

Annual legal compliance: general meetings, approval of accounts…

Group structuring and holding

Capital-related operations

Restructuring: merger, acquisition, sale

Sale of company shares

Company transmission…

What are the different legal forms that a company can take?

There are numerous different forms of companies, including:

– Public Limited Company (PLC),

– Limited Liability Company (LLC),

– Simplified Joint Stock Company (SAS),

– General Partnership (SNC),

– Real Estate Investment Company (SCI),

– Civil Construction and Sales Company (SCCV)…

What is the role of a corporate lawyer?

The company law lawyer advises and supports you on all aspects of company law, from the creation of your company to its dissolution or transfer, including all the stages that can govern the life of a company, such as capital increases or reductions, the entry or exit of new partners, restructuring, structuring of groups of companies and holding companies, mergers, acquisitions, transfers, etc.

The creation of a company

The creation of a company, constituted in particular by the drafting of the company’s statutes, constitutes a strong and important act in the life of a company. Indeed, this is a founding act, and therefore determining, with regard to the legal and fiscal future of the company. The choice of the legal form, but also that of the tax regime, therefore requires the intervention of a tax lawyer.

Structuring of groups of companies and holding companies

The term “Holding” is becoming increasingly prevalent in everyday vocabulary. However, a significant number of investors still mistakenly believe that utilizing such a structure is reserved for large corporate groups.

Unfortunately, this misconception leads these investors to miss the opportunity to optimize the ownership of their investments properly.

To help you better understand this concept, we will present the key characteristics of a Holding company before exploring its primary tax advantages. Read more.

Purchase, takeover or sale of company or business

The purchase, takeover or sale of a company or business raises numerous legal and tax questions and issues which require the intervention of a lawyer specializing in corporate law and business taxation in order to secure and optimize the execution of company and investor operations. 

Why choose a corporate lawyer?

The lawyer is the only professional authorized to draft legal documents as the main activity, such as drafting the articles of association of a company or the transfer of company shares.

Thus, a lawyer specializing in corporate law ensures you the competence and expertise of an independent professional with a degree in corporate law.

Why hire a corporate law lawyer?

Faced with the complexity of the legislation applicable to companies, calling on a corporate law lawyer allows you to make the right legal and tax choices as well as to secure your company’s operations.

When to call a corporate law lawyer?

Corporate law is now ubiquitous in all operations to be carried out by companies.

A corporate lawyer is there to advise and assist you in all your operations.

It is recommended to always consult a corporate lawyer before carrying out operations to anticipate the legal and tax consequences and to secure and optimize them.

What are the fees of a corporate law lawyer?

The fees of a corporate lawyer vary depending on the nature of the mission and the time spent on the case. Our lawyers advise and assist companies both in the context of specific tasks and exceptional operations in corporate law (creation, restructuring, transmission…) and as part of an annual follow-up. In this regard, the firm also offers annual packages to advise you on your corporate operations.

Our missions in corporate law

Corporate Law and Corporate Taxation Consultancy

Company Formation and Choice of Tax Regime

Drafting of legal and tax documentation related to companies (company bylaws, shareholder agreements, group agreements…)

Legal and Tax Audit of Companies

Identification of Solutions and Corporate Strategies

Implementation of Corporate Strategies

Annual Legal and Tax Monitoring of Companies

Company Restructuring: Merger, Acquisition, Partial Asset Sale…

Company Transmission: Company Sale, Share Transfer…


Looking for advice in corporate law? The tax lawyers at the firm provide guidance and support on all legal and tax aspects of corporate law.