International taxation
What is international taxation?
Who is affected by international taxation?
What is international tax optimization?
International tax lawyer: advice on international taxation
What is international taxation?
International taxation encompasses all the rules of tax law applicable to operations taking place in an international context: profits made abroad, relocation, expatriation and impatriation, international investments, etc. International taxation, notably through international tax treaties, helps determine in which countries taxpayers will be taxed, on what income, and limits the occurrence of double taxation.
Who is affected by international taxation?
International taxation applies to both companies and individuals. Indeed, multinational companies conducting operations in multiple countries are inevitably subject to international tax law rules: importation, exportation, international financial flows, relocation, cross-border restructuring, etc. Additionally, individuals may also be affected by international taxation: income from abroad, foreign investments, expatriation, multiple residences, international assets, etc.
What is international tax optimization?
International tax optimization involves studying and implementing schemes, strategies, or tax structures to limit the tax burden. International tax optimization applies to both companies and individuals. Indeed, it is possible to implement tax optimization schemes as part of a corporate strategy as well as in the context of an individual’s wealth management strategy. Read more.
International tax lawyer: international tax advice
Looking for advice on international taxation?
The tax lawyers at EDOUARD PRUVOST are experts in international taxation. We advise foreign investors and non-residents on the tax aspects of their investments and operations in France. We also provide advice to French investors on the tax aspects of investments and profits made abroad. Our network of correspondents abroad allows us to support our clients in all their international projects. Read more.
VAT on digital activities
Understanding VAT on digital activities VAT, or value added tax, is an indirect tax applied on value added at each stage of the production and distribution chain of goods and services. In the context of digital activities, VAT is of particular importance, as it...
Who is affected by VAT reverse charge?
Who is Concerned with VAT Self-Liquidation? VAT self-liquidation is a process that has been implemented within the European Union (EU) to facilitate commercial transactions between businesses. This method transfers the responsibility for paying VAT from the seller to...
Tax optimization: don’t forget URSSAF in your strategies to reduce your taxes
L'importance de prendre en compte les prélèvements sociaux et les impôts prélevés par l’URSSAF dans les stratégies d'optimisation fiscale L'optimisation fiscale est un sujet essentiel pour les entreprises et les particuliers cherchant à minimiser leurs obligations...
URSSAF: the areas of intervention of the tax lawyer
What is URSSAF? URSSAF is the Union for the Collection of Social Security and Family Allowance Contributions. It works towards the social protection of the French population. Its objective is to collect and redistribute social security contributions and contributions....
How to reduce social security contributions and optimize your tax system by reducing taxes and social charges: the keys to effective tax and financial management
Understanding Social Security Contributions in France In France, the social security system relies on solidarity-based financing. Social security contributions are a key element of this system, playing a major role in funding social benefits and public services. Let's...
Tax lawyer in Paris: your trusted partner in the capital
Taxation is a complex labyrinth. Whether you are an individual looking to optimize your taxes or a business in search of strategic tax advice, having a tax lawyer by your side is essential. This is where our Tax Law Firm in Paris comes in, your trusted partner in the...
International tax optimization strategies in real estate
International real estate investment can offer numerous financial opportunities, but it often comes with complex tax challenges. For investors looking to maximize returns while minimizing tax burdens, implementing international tax optimization strategies is...
Corporate tax optimization: strategies and implications
Corporate tax optimization is an increasingly concerning topic in the business and finance world. It involves the set of strategies implemented by companies to legally reduce their tax burden while adhering to applicable tax laws. While tax optimization is legal, it...
VAT tax audit
Tax audit involves analyzing the company's taxation, particularly through a study of tax returns and annual accounts, to detect and correct any errors in its taxation. Tax audit also has an optimizing dimension, as it allows the tax lawyer to advise the company on tax...
VAT on international transactions
What is VAT on international transactions? Who is affected by VAT on international transactions? Can VAT on international transactions be optimized? Why hire a tax lawyer specializing in international VAT? VAT on international transactions is the Value Added Tax...
Tax transaction and negotiation with the Tax Office
Can we negotiate with the Tax Authorities? What is a tax settlement? The role of the tax lawyer in tax settlements Following a tax audit, taxpayers often wonder about the possibilities available to them regarding potential appeals and disputes related to the proposed...
List of tax havens: France and OECD
There are multiple definitions of the concept of a tax haven. The list of tax havens varies by country and also evolves over time. Moreover, not all tax havens are equal in terms of opacity and tax advantages granted to taxpayers. For this reason, there are several...
Tax residence of individuals
Many taxpayers have family or economic ties to different countries. These situations can pose difficulties in tax matters. Why is it important to determine tax residence? Determining tax residence is extremely important as it determines the extent of the taxpayer's...
Tax expatriation and exit tax
Tax expatriation is an important step for taxpayers. Many tax implications arise from transferring tax residency out of France. Once the destination is defined, it is necessary to consider one of the main tax consequences of expatriation: exit tax. What is exit tax?...
Taxation of overseas departments (DOM)
France is composed of numerous territories located around the world. In addition to Metropolitan France and overseas territories, there are the Overseas Departments (DOM), which number five: Guadeloupe, Martinique, Guyane (French Guiana), Mayotte, and Réunion. Tax...
The tax treatment of foreign exchange gains or losses in determining capital gains on foreign securities
The Conseil d'État recently ruled on the determination of capital gains from the sale of foreign securities in a judgment dated September 13, 2021 (No. 443914). Reminder Regarding Capital Gains on the Sale of Securities The procedures for determining taxable capital...
Taxation of cryptocurrencies
Cryptocurrencies are at the heart of economic news. An instrument of trade for some, the currency of the future for others, cryptocurrencies have gained legal and tax reality. The French tax system did not anticipate the rise of these cryptocurrencies, and the rules...
Proposal for rectification
The adjustment proposal is the most important element of the tax procedure. Indeed, this document marks the end of the audit operations and the opening of the pre-contentious phase. We will review the key features of the adjustment proposal and the crucial points in...
Tax ruling
The tax ruling is a particularly interesting tool, but it is still not well-known among taxpayers. What is a Tax Ruling? A tax ruling is a formal position taken by the tax authorities on: The interpretation of a tax provision, Or, the interpretation of the taxpayer's...
Tax havens and countries with privileged taxation: what is a tax haven?
The concepts of tax-privileged countries and tax havens raise numerous questions in the field of international taxation. Indeed, these terms are often associated with tax fraud. However, the legal and tax reality is not so simple. What is a tax haven? The term "tax...
Tax optimization for businesses
Tax optimization is a divisive topic for many taxpayers. While it is a valuable tool for some businesses, it is unfortunately often equated with tax evasion by a portion of the population. What is corporate tax optimization? Corporate tax optimization involves...
Intra-group agreements
More and more entrepreneurs and investors are choosing to structure their investments and activities in groups. Indeed, the use of a Holding company has become common to oversee and manage operational companies (or subsidiaries). The ownership of a group of companies...
Company creation: lawyer, accountant or notary for drafting the statutes?
Creating a company is a crucial moment in an entrepreneur's life. This task is now offered by various professionals, and it is sometimes difficult to navigate. We will go through the main steps of creating a company before explaining the role of each of the...
The tax advantages of the holding company
The term Holding is becoming increasingly prevalent in everyday vocabulary. However, a still significant number of investors believe that using such a structure is reserved for large corporate groups. Unfortunately, this misconception often causes these investors to...
Corporate and tax engineering
Corporate and tax engineering is now a major challenge for both businesses and individuals. The constraints imposed by regulations in corporate law and the increasing complexity of the French tax system have made corporate and tax engineering a mandatory step in the...
Business tax audit
Why can the tax authorities conduct a tax audit? What are the different stages of a tax audit and possible consequences? Why seek the assistance of a tax lawyer? A tax audit is an experience that can be challenging for a business owner. To better understand the scope...
International tax optimization
What is international tax optimization? Is international tax optimization legal? How to optimize your international tax situation? How to engage in legal tax optimization? International tax optimization and the risk of tax audit International tax lawyer: advice on...
Tax optimization
Tax optimization involves studying and implementing schemes, strategies, or tax structures to limit the tax burden. Tax optimization applies to both businesses and individuals. Indeed, it is possible to implement tax optimization schemes within a corporate strategy as...
Tax lawyer or accountant? Which one to choose ?
Tax Lawyer or Accountant? Which Professional Should You Choose for Tax Advice? When choosing a tax advisor, taxpayers often wonder about the right choice for the best tax advice: should they choose a tax lawyer or an accountant? An overview of the differences between...
The different tax regimes applicable to companies
The taxation of companies is particularly complex because there are various tax regimes applicable to them. The following developments present the four main tax regimes to which companies can be subject depending on their form and purpose. These are: - Fiscal...